Chuan-Peng Lab
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Evaluating Nil Effect in Psychological Research:A Practical Primer
In psychological research,researchers may need to provide evidence for the non-existence of effects(i. e.,nil effect).
Xu, Y-P
Lu, C-L
Wang, J
Song, Q-Y
Jia, B-B
Hu C-P
The symptom structure of posttraumatic stress disorder and co-morbid depression among college students with childhood abuse experience:A network analysis
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression are highly co-morbid among individuals with childhood abuse history, while the mechanism of the co-morbidity is highly debated. This study sought to extent the work among college students with network analysis, which is a novel method that sees the co-morbidity from a symptom interacting perspective.
An, Y
Shi, J
Chuan-Peng, H
Wu, X
A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased negative emotions and decreased positive emotions globally. Left unchecked, these emotional changes might have a wide array of adverse impacts.
Wang, K
Goldenberg, A
... Chuan-Peng, H
... Dixson, B J W
Centering inclusivity in the design of online conferences—An OHBM–Open Science perspective
As the global health crisis unfolded, many academic conferences moved online in 2020. This move has been hailed as a positive step towards inclusivity in its attenuation of economic, physical, and legal barriers and effectively enabled many individuals from groups that have traditionally been underrepresented to join and participate.
Levitis, E
van Praag, C D G
Gau, R
... Chuan-Peng, H
... Maumet, C
Changes in the Network Structure of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Among Earthquake Exposed Adolescents in China:A 2-Year Longitudinal Study
Despite considerable studies focused on the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), little is understood about how symptoms of PTSD naturalistically change over time.
An, Y
Hu C-P
Zhao, J
Chen, Y
Wu, X
A standardized checklist on meta-analysis reporting in the open science era
Meta-analysis is a crucial tool for accumulating evidence in basic and applied research. In the open science era, meta-analysis becomes an important way for integrating open data from different sources.
Liu, Y
Cheng, S
Fan, F
Di, X
Fan, H
Feng, C
Zuo X-N
... XiNian ZUO
Hu C-P
The Open Brain Consent:Informing research participants and obtaining consent to share brain imaging data
Having the means to share research data openly is essential to modern science. For human research, a key aspect in this endeavor is obtaining consent from participants, not just to take part in a study, which is a basic ethical principle, but also to share their data with the scientific community.
Bannier, E
Barker, G
... Borghesani
Hu C-P
... Zhu, H
Interpreting nonsignificant results:A quantitative investigation based on 500 Chinese psychological research
Nonsignificant results are common in psychological research and can be easily misinterpreted as evidence for accepting null hypothesis. This misinterpretation may lead to false statistical inferences in empirical research.
Wang, J
Song, Q
Xu, Y
Jia, B
Lu, C
Chen, X
... Hu C-P
To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply?
Over the past 10 years, Oosterhof and Todorov’s valence–dominance model has emerged as the most prominent account of how people evaluate faces on social dimensions. In this model, two dimensions (valence and dominance) underpin social judgements of faces.
Jones, B C
DeBruine, L
Flake, J K
... Hu C-P
... Chartier, C
Seeking the beauty center in the brain:A meta-analysis of fMRI studies of beautiful human faces and visual art
During the past two decades, cognitive neuroscientists have sought to elucidate the common neural basis of the experience of beauty.
Chuan-Peng, H
Huang, Y
Eickhoff, S. B
Peng, K
Sui, J